electronic Patient Benefit Index-Wounds
Quick and easy assessment of
therapy benefit
What is the ePBI-W?
The ePBI-W is used to set goals and evaluate the degree of achievement for patients with chronic wounds and their physicians based on the Patient Benefit Index (PBI).
The PBI-W was specifically developed for patients with chronic wounds. It helps patients to set treatment goals and to monitor their achievement after therapy or over time. It can also be used for quality assurance purposes and shared decision-making. The ePBI-W is available as a mobile application for Android and iOS devices and as a web-based online tool.
Validation of questionnaire
paper version: yes digital version: yes
How to use the ePBI-W
Before the beginning of treatment, the patient completes a questionnaire on their treatment goals (PNQ: Patient Needs Questionnaire) and indicates how important these are to them on a 5-point scale from "not at all" to "very" or whether they do not apply to them. After starting treatment, the patient completes the Patient Benefit Questionnaire (PBQ) and indicates the extent to which the treatment has helped them to achieve the previously listed goals or whether these did not apply to them. Once again, this is rated on a 5-point scale from "not at all" to "very". Finally, the overall benefit of the therapy is calculated from the answers given.

The index range is between 0 (no patient relevant benefit) and 4 (maximum patient relevant benefit).
Below is an example of the PBI-W calculation process in four steps.
1) Importance of treatment goals
Please help us understand the importance of your goals in the current treatment of your wound/wounds by filling out the following survey.
For each of the following statements, please mark how important this treatment goal is to you. If a statement does not apply to you (for example, because you do not have pain), please mark "does not apply to me“. Please mark only one answer choice per statement.

2) Treatment benefits
At the start of treatment, you indicated in a questionnaire how important various goals were in the treatment of your wound/wounds.
Please mark each of the following statements according to the extent that these treatment goals were achieved, thereby indicating if the treatment has benefitted you. If a statement did not apply to you (for example, because you had no pain), please mark “did not apply to me”. Please mark only one answer choice per statement.

3) Calculation PBI-W

4) View of results (example)

Want to know more?
Structure and scope of the Patient Benefit Index
Want to know more?
Structure and scope of the Patient Benefit Index
The following versions of the ePBI-W are available

Endpoint Model: Treatment of Disease X
Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for industry – Patient-Reported Outcome Measures: Use in medical product development to support labeling claims. US Food and Drug administration website, 2009 [cited 2017]
About Patient Reported Outcomes
“A PRO is any report of the status of a patient’s health condition that comes directly from the patient, without interpretation of the patient’s response by a clinician or anyone else.”
“Use of a PRO instrument is advised when measuring a concept best known by the patient or best measured from the patient perspective. […] PRO instrument adequacy depends on its role and relationships with other clinical trial endpoints as depicted in the endpoint model.”

The intuitive and interactive design of the ePBI-W ensures easy understanding of all questions, whether for physicians or patients.

Save time with our online tool. Fill in the questionnaire and your ePBI-W score will be calculated automatically.

On DermaValue, you not only get your ePBI-W value, but also learn what it means in terms of your therapy benefit.